What You Should Know About gambling Addiction

If you are a gambling addict, then you are probably aware of the addiction. However, what many people do not realize is that gambling addiction is not an addiction in the true sense of the word because the definition of addiction is something that is uncontrollable. Gambling is simply the act of wagering on something with an uncertain outcome, with the goal of winning something more valuable than what you actually stake. Simply put, gambling is not a disease, it’s just a hobby. Gambling therefore requires three components for it to exist: risk, consideration, and a reward.


Like any addiction, people suffering from gambling addiction will gamble because they have a psychological need that is out of control. To know if a person is addicted to gambling, you must understand the three components of addiction. These are psychological, physiological, and behavioral. All three are interrelated and play a huge role in the addiction.

Psychological addiction can start as early as childhood or adolescence. Children who suffer from compulsive gambling usually do so because of their inability to stop, which can be caused by a perceived need for the stimulus of gambling. Children who suffer from compulsive sexual behavior often start engaging in sexual behavior as a result of boredom, anxiety, stress, or anger. Although most people use gambling to alleviate such problems, the habit can also create similar types of problems in adults. Compulsive gamblers who are unable to stop by themselves develop a coping mechanism, which may include taking medications or using illegal substances.

Physiological addictions are due to the increase of the neurotransmitters in the brain. The most common physical addiction is nicotine which is most often associated with smoking. Other physical addictions that are related to problem gambling include alcohol and steroids.

Behavioral addictions come from repeated behavior that creates the need for them. This might range from wanting to bet more in slot machines to becoming hooked on poker machines. Self-help groups for gambling addiction exist in both offline and online venues. These groups encourage the members to explore the reasons for their compulsion and seek professional help if necessary. In many cases, therapists can provide insight into the self-destructive behaviors and offer methods for changing the way a person views money, relationships, and gambling addiction. Participating in these sessions can help individuals learn to deal with stress and other issues that lead to compulsive behavior.

Gamblers who are experiencing financial problems and are struggling with addiction should seek a therapist to talk about the impact of their gambling activities on their finances and their work. It is possible to overcomes an addiction, but it requires dedication and patience. Most gamblers who are not successful at quitting due to the fact they were unable to completely give up are those who lack support and accountability from family and friends. Gamblers who are suffering from financial hardship should seek a responsible gambling counselor to help them evaluate their gambling possibilities and develop a plan to stop gambling.